If you have a problematic lock that’s hard to open, you may opt for a replacement. You can also consider this step when you lose your keys or when an employee resigns and fails to hand over company keys.

Fortunately, you can avoid high lock replacement costs and opt for a more economical solution. Read on to understand what it means to re-pin or rekey a lock and how this can save money.

What Does a Lock Re-Pin Process Involve?

A re-pin refers to when you change door keys without a lock replacement. The process used for a re-pin will depend on whether you have the current key.

If you do, the locksmith will use the key to open the lock to a certain angle, press the clip, and then remove the knob. The next step is to pull out the C-shaped cylinder with the key pins (tumblers) and replace them with a new set.

If you don’t have the lock keys, the experts will dismantle the lock. After that, they will replace the pins with new ones, and then issue keys that correspond with the altered door hardware.

Does a Lock Re-Pin Improve Security?

A lock re-pin can enhance security and safeguard your home or business in several ways. First, the process will withhold premises access from people who may have the keys you used previously. It  also enhances a sense of security if you misplaced your keys and are unsure if someone else has them.

The pins on your lock are a significant factor that determines security level. A device with five pins is relatively safer and harder to pick than one with three.

Due to these aspects, a rekey can secure your home, but it will not provide added protection. When the locksmith modifies the locks, they will only replace the old pins with new ones of an equal number.

If you want to improve home security for other reasons like a prior break-in, you should consider a complete lock replacement. This measure will allow you to install advanced door hardware with complex features.

What Are the Benefits of a Lock Re-Pin?

One significant benefit of a lock rekey is lower costs since you pay for only the new pin and labor. This aspect is unlike when you opt for a replacement, where you will incur additional charges for new parts.

If you are a business owner, you may need to issue your staff with different keys for each building or office. Unfortunately, this measure can waste time since employees must remember the keys for each door.

A lock re-pin allows you to match multiple locks and use the same key for all of them. You can issue your employees fewer keys and speed up work when you opt for this option. However, your locks must be from the same brand and have similar keyhole types for a locksmith to match them.

Another benefit of a lock re-pin is it allows you to secure a new home. If you recently moved into a different property, you may not know if other people have a copy of the keys. A lock modification will give you peace of mind and limit access to the premises by previous homeowners or managers.

Can I Re-Pin My Locks?

If you are a do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiast, you may highly consider a lock re-pin without professional guidance. While this move may help you save money, you may lack the proper tools for the job. This issue can then lead to lock damage and more costs in the end.

Hire a security expert to rekey your locks and maintain door hardware integrity. These specialists have the right tools required to re-pin different keyholes. They can also help you determine if you need to replace your locks for enhanced security.

A lock rekey can secure your property and help you avoid unnecessary replacements. At DuPage Security Solutions, Inc., we have experts who can help you solve a range of security concerns. These professionals will inquire about your needs and advise you if you need to re-pin locks or get new ones. Contact us today for more information about residential and commercial locksmith services.