Every business needs the right security for the risks it faces in the modern world. From preventing trespassers to avoiding data theft, physical security is at the heart of minimizing liability and loss. But are your locks and keys as secure as they could be? Can you improve physical lock security without spending a fortune on new measures? Yes, and here are a few ways to accomplish it.
1. Ensure Keys Can’t Be Duplicated
First, your business must be able to control who has keys by ensuring that they aren’t being duplicated by anyone without your consent. Unfortunately, while many keys may say Do Not Duplicate, this isn’t going to actually prevent duplication unless further measures are taken.
Generally, two methods actually prevent unwanted access to your locks. The first is to use restricted keys. These keys are patented, and therefore only authorized locksmiths may duplicate them. Employees cannot get new keys from self-serve key machines or other operations on their own. The second means for extra protection is to use premium locks with additional features to prevent access.
2. Use Key Control Systems
Do you want help keeping track of who has all your various keys? Even a small business may have dozens of keys, ranging from doors and cabinets to inventory cages and company vehicles or equipment. And as the business grows, the problem is often exacerbated. But you can bring all the keys together and secure them with a key control system.
A key control system is an organizer with individual containers for each key. The individual cubby or bin can only be opened by a separate code (or, less likely, a key). The authorized person uses the code, access the key they need, and then returns it using the same process. The key control system logs who uses each key and when it’s returned after use. And access is easily changed or restricted.
3. Add a Second Layer of Security
More and more businesses are using ‘multi-factor authorization’ in their computer systems because it boosts security. With this method, each user would need to provide two (or more) different means of verifying their identity before being allowed access to a portal, account, or program.
Physical security can implement similar systems. For instance, you might use a key card system for employees to enter the accounting department but also use monitored cameras to verify that the person actually matches the identity on their card. Or the business might have two physical layers of different security — such as a code for the warehouse door and a card or key to enter the inventory area.
4. Update to Card Access
A key card system is an affordable compromise between the simplicity and reliability of traditional locks and modern security features. Your staff and visitors would generally see little difference in how they get through security, but key cards add a level of control you can’t get with physical keys. Key cards can be reprogrammed as you want, they track usage and activity, and they can be tailored to each individual user’s needs.
Could your locks become more secure by implementing any of these simple changes? Whether you just need to make sure you know who is duplicating keys or you want to add layers of physical security, an upgrade may be easier and less expensive than you think.
Start by meeting with the security pros at DuPage Security Solutions Inc. We have aided Illinois businesses in securing their sites since 1962. Call to make an appointment and see how we can help you make your locations safe and secure on any budget.