Owning a new business comes with a lot of excitement. In some cases, you may inherit a business or receive a transfer of ownership from a business that is already established rather than starting your own business from scratch. In those cases, you will want to ensure you update your security features around the business.

Security updates can include a wide range of changes. You want to ensure no former employees have access to the business and provide essential security and modern locking systems for general protection. With the help of a professional locksmith, you can find a wide range of services to help with the transfer and establish fresh locks and protection.

1. Master Key Changes

Many businesses rely on a master key system. A master key provides the main owner access to all of the rooms and areas with a single key. The master key makes it easy to move around your business while still giving you the option to create separate keys for different areas. For example, employees may have a key to the entrance, but their key won’t unlock your office.

If you keep the same master key system in place, then you do not know who still has copies of the master key from previous owners. Not only can a locksmith replace the master key lock barrels, but they can also update the lock hardware on doors. Wear and tear over time could impact the way locks work and make a big difference in the security of your business.

2. Safe Combination Resetting

Your business may contain safes ideal for important paperwork, extra cash, or other valuables you may keep in storage. When you take over the ownership of a business, you may receive the legacy combination for the safes located at the business.

Instead of relying on the combination already known by others, you have the opportunity to hire a locksmith for safe combination reset services. A locksmith can adjust and change a combination—you could have them select a random combination or choose your own combination based on the set of available numbers.

With combination reset services, you can feel more at ease knowing anything you put in the safe will remain protected with minimal knowledge and spread of the combination. If you want even more protection, then you have the opportunity to purchase a new safe as well.

You could visit a professional locksmith showroom and see the safes available. Browsing in person makes it easier to see the size and interior of the safe. Along with stand-alone safes, you could choose built-in wall safes. A wall safe provides you with even more protection and the ability to cover a safe with a framed photo or other wall decoration.

A locksmith can install the safe securely into a wall in your business.

3. Key Card Access

As you hire new employees for your business, you may seek a more modern way for them to access the building. Instead of making keys for everyone, you can have more control over key card access. A locksmith can install a new key card access system that connects to locks within the business.

Through the use of software, you can manage which key cards access which areas. You can easily set up new key cards for employees and create a system that runs efficiently. The key card access could work for the main entrance of the business or other areas like a storage closet or a break room.

Help make the transfer to your new business seamless with the use of our professional locksmith services at DuPage Security Solutions, Inc. We will help you make the changes you need to feel comfortable in your new business and upgrade your business property with modern security features.