Is your home office safe and secure? Many Americans transitioned — often unexpectedly or without warning — from traditional offices to working from home. But the home office should be as secure as a regular shared office. Why is this important? And how can you boost security at your home office? Discover what you need to know.

Why Is Home Office Security Vital?

Because the home office is within your house, many workers and entrepreneurs assume it’s safe enough. However, consider what goes on in your home. Could curious kids get into the office and play with things they shouldn’t? Could they accidentally damage technology or equipment? Might they damage or lose important files or records?

What about other people and events in your home? Guests might wander into the office when you entertain, or unattended home repair persons may access things unintentionally. Thieves can get inside and find your office or records easy to access. Even family pets can get into the room and cause damage.

In addition, the employer or your small business may be liable if the records in your home aren’t properly secured according to business standards. If your laptop is stolen while unattended and not properly locked up at home, for example, you may be on the hook for loss of customer information or even company trade secrets.

How Can You Secure Your Home Office?

Plan a multi-layered approach to home office security. This should begin by ensuring that your home and property as a whole have good security. Do exterior doors have good-quality locks that you replace as they age to prevent deterioration? What about window locks, gates, and other access points? Who has keys to your home? And do you rekey home locks on a regular schedule?

Then, move on to the actual office. Every home office should have its own separate lock or access control system. Access to this room should be limited, perhaps even within the family. And you should make a habit of practicing good security by locking it whenever it’s unattended. While this is less convenient, this demonstrates to all that your office is off-limits.

Within the room, analyze what items should have further protection. This often includes business technology, anything of a fragile nature, documents or files, items with value, and ongoing projects that involve company secrets. Consider a simple-to-use home safe as an easy way to lock up many of these small items, ranging from laptops to hard drives to cash from customers or jobs.

In addition, look for ways to lock up even more within the room. For instance, use file cabinets and built-in cabinets or drawers that can be locked as a matter of habit. This is particularly important if you maintain anything with sensitive data from the company or personally identifiable information about customers or employees.

Finally, have a professional assess your cybersecurity. Physical security is best paired with good cyber practices. These include things like using secured networks to transmit and receive information, regularly updating passwords, protecting passwords (even within the family), avoiding phishing scams, and separating your work computers and devices from home devices.

Where Should You Start?

If you haven’t analyzed your home office security practices lately, don’t wait. Every day, your business and yourself could be at greater risk from theft, cyber risks, and unintentional damage.

DuPage Security Solutions Inc. can help. We provide a wide variety of security products for the home, business offices, and vehicles. We will work with you to examine your current home office security and see where you can make things safer. Call today to make an appointment.